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Pregnant Woman Possessed

 Pregnant Woman Possessed

 It was such a nice sunny day, my grandmother, my pregnant neighbor Mary and her two children John and Sally decided that it was the perfect day for a beach picnic.

The beach was a short 20 minute walk away, since Mary was only 4 months pregnant, she decided that the walk would do her good.

The beach was beautiful, the kids immediately ran off to explore.

A bit further down from the beach there was an abandoned building. Kids being kids, they ran around the compound looking for anything interesting to play with.

While the building had nothing of interest, they did find a Betel nut tree in the garden.

They ran back to tell their mother and everyone decided to pluck some betel nuts. With a couple of small plastic bags full of betel nuts in hand and the sun beginning to set, it was time to head home.

My grandmother was reading a book and relaxing at home, when Sally knocked on the front door. Sally pale faced and looking worried, said that her mother Mary was acting weird, screaming and shouting.

My grandmother immediately rushed over to Mary's house, what she saw shocked her.

Mary was pacing up and down the living room, screaming obscenities, her eyes were bulging and her face contorted in anger.

 My grandmother approached her cautiously but Mary didn't seem to see her, she just kept on pacing and screaming.

Worried at her peculiar behavior my grandmother called my uncle in-law who lived 5 minutes away,
he rushed right over and  tried to calm Mary down.

Since she was unresponsive. My grandmother and uncle each took one of Mary's arms, and slowly walked her to the upstairs master bedroom at the far back of the house.
She followed, physically docile but verbally cursing and swearing in the foulest language imaginable.

My grandmother and uncle walked out of the house towards the front gate. They could still hear Mary shouting at the top of her lungs. Since she was at the far end of the house, the sound was muffled and barely audible. My uncle leaned in towards my grandmother and whispered to her “Do you think we should call a Bomoh (A Bomoh is a witchdoctor/shaman) Mary looks almost possessed”. Suddenly the shouting ceased. There was a deathly quiet.

Then they heard Mary Yelling “Bomoh, who wants to call a Bomoh” followed by a string of curses.

Shocked my Uncle looked at my grandmother “how on earth did she hear me whisper that to you” he said in hushed tones. My grandmother didn't have time to answer before they heard Mary screaming at them “I heard you, I hear everything, DON'T CALL THE BOMOH” she shouted.

When the Bomoh came he asked Mary why she was so angry, Mary answered “it's him" he is making me so mad I can't stand it” she pointed towards the window, everyone turned to look where she was pointing, but there was no one there.

“Who” asked the Bomoh, “who is he”

“Get him away from me” shouted Mary, now pointing towards her dresser.

The Bomoh said, "it seems that Mary has desecrated a shrine (Dato Kong) by kicking or stepping on it".

My grandmother thought back to the days events and said “the only place that could have happened is at the beach”.

The Bomoh said that they would have to go and apologize, but since it was night they would do it in the morning. He then whispered something into Mary's ear. Mary sighed, lay back in her bed, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning as soon as the Sun rose. My uncle was in his car waiting outside my grandmothers home, with the Bomoh riding shotgun. My grandmother gave him directions to the part of the beach they were on yesterday.

She walked them through the events step by step, when they reached the betel nut tree. The Bomoh stopped, and pointed to a spot near to the trunk of the tree. Clearing away some leaves, everyone could see the foundations of what used to be a shrine (Dato Kong).

“Mary must have stepped here when she was picking the betel nuts” said the Bomoh.

He then knelt and prayed over the foundations of the shrine. After 10 minutes, he said that everything should be fine now and everyone rushed back to see how Mary was doing. When they reached home, Mary was there waiting by her gate. Mary said that she remembers everything as if it was a vivid dream. She remembered being so angry, and the dark man kept following beside her whispering words she couldn't understand. Whatever he said seemed to make her angry. Then 10 minutes ago, the dark man just nodded, stopped talking and disappeared.


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