Pelesit the Bound Spirit A Pelesit is a spirit or supernatural being that is bound to a master, often inherited or passed from person to person. The pelesit is kept in a small bottle or jar in the masters home, once a month the master must feed the pelesit a few drops of their own blood to keep it bound to them. Pelesits in the Past In the days of yore, social hermits also kept pelesits as protection, once people found out that they owned a pelesit, they were left alone and were safe from prosecution or any form of petty crime. Most often they would be kept by females as a form of protection. Pelesits in Modern Times It is believed that pelesits in modern times are predominantly owned by unscrupulous Bomoh's (witchdoctors) to fleece innocent victims of their money. The bomoh's would sic their pelesit on random people, causing havoc in their lives, they would then step in and offer to exorcise the evil spirit in exchange for a paltry sum of cash. The bo...