Toyol The Mischievous Baby Spirit The toyol's origins are grim, it is said that an aborted babies corpse is required to summon this spirit, whether the toyol is the spirit of the baby or the baby is a key ingredient in the summoning is unknown, what is known is that the toyol is generally a harmless, albeit mischievous spirit. Toyol Controlled by a Master When a toyol is controlled by a master it is usually commanded to commit petty crimes, pilfering jewels, small valuables, cash and annoying the masters victims by hiding things such as keys or documents. It is also commonly used as a spy, being told to lurk around its victim and then reporting everything the masters enemy, did and said. When left to its own devices it lurks in peoples homes, plays with objects or toys that are laying around. It generally doesn't do any harm. Its appearance is that of a homunculus, it has a large head, a slightly greenish tinge to its skin and the body of an infant. It is ...